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Sourcing Management Workshop

Key2Careers College's Sourcing Management Program is to provide you with the cross-functional perspective and skill set vital to selecting and successfully managing vendors in today's complex sourcing environment.

What You'll Learn

  • Decrease acquisition cycles
  • Keep contracted services within budget and on schedule
  • Prevent contract delays due to claims or changes
  • Increase the quality of contract deliverables
  • Increase customer satisfaction
  • Gain greater flexibility as a contracting organization
  • Increase organizational buying power
  • Reduce your total number of vendors
  • Increase profitability and lower costs

How You'll Learn

When you come to class, you'll find out how top-notch sourcing professionals in various organizations are managing their vendors. You'll swap stories of success and discuss strategies with peers. And, you'll obtain insights from instructors who have decades of sourcing management experience. Learn more about the Key2Careers College classroom experience .

Why You Need Sourcing Management

Professionals like you are being called upon to communicate with and manage outside entities more frequently than ever. As you fight a daily struggle to keep your organization's sourcing ventures running smoothly, despite myriad complex details, there are certain ways to ensure success.










Sourcing Management Workshops Toronto