Corporate Communications
The ability to be a good communicator is the key ingredient to complete the essential toolkit for those who aspire to move into management and those who want to improve their effectiveness when dealing with the people they manage or guide as well as improve their communications with other departments in their company or organisation

The training covers modules as below:

Available Formats for Employees and Managers at our training centre in downtown Toronto.

Full Time : 1 weeks (6 Hrs/day - 10.00 AM to 5.00 PM with one hour lunch break) weeknights/weekends
Part Time : 2 weeks (3 Hrs/day - 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM or 1:00 PM to 4 PM) weeknights/weekends

Cost : $3,999.00 + HST

We offer a 10% discount for each additional participant

Online Training
Please click here to register online or for more information contact us
Pay ment Options:
  • Pay through email interac to
  • For organizations wishing to pay thru a company cheque, please request an Invoice and mail a cheque pay able to "1437467 Ontario Inc." and send to: 4789 Yonge Street, Suite 1014, North York, ON M2N0G3.

    For any enquiry please call us at 647-271-3330 or email us at: