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Sales Training

Presentation Training Workshop - Making Technical Presentations

Duration: 1 Day (10 am to 5 pm with one hour lunch break)

Cost: $ 799 + HST

Course Outline

Do you provide a service or a product that is highly technical? Do the people selling your product possess all the technical expertise needed to explain your processes and services, but perhaps lack the charisma of an exceptional presenter? Turning a highly technical presentation into an exciting and memorable presentation can be a very big challenge, but we can help. We have created a seminar that will teach you and your employees how to deliver all the technical information your customers need, and still make it an exceptional and successful presentation.

Making Technical Presentations is our one-day seminar that focuses specifically on the skills necessary to deliver a highly technical but stimulating presentation. Participants learn through discussion, video taping, and extensive one-on one feedback how to deliver a message with enthusiasm and charisma that result in more effective presentations and more bottom line profits. After attending the Making Technical Presentations workshop, you will see immediate results in your presentations and be able to give presentations that are both highly technical and enthusiastic.

On-Site Presentation Training : can be tailored to the needs of client organization and delivered on-site at time and location of client choice.

  Objectives :

Participants in the Making Technical Presentations seminar will learn to:

  • Turn the most technical presentation into one that is exciting and memorable.
  • Make graphs, diagrams, flow charts, and other technical materials easy to read and understand.
  • Connect with the audience using eye contact and body language while explaining detailed visual aides.
  • Prepare a presentation using a simple but highly effective format.
  • Add humor and personal touches to a technical presentation.
  • Capture the audience's attention within the first 60 seconds of the presentation.
  • Use the pace, tone, and pitch of their voice to create enthusiasm and interest in the audience.
  • Use body language and movement that is effective and not distracting to the audience.
  • Use the pace, tone, and pitch of their voice to create enthusiasm and interest in the audience.
  • Avoid using jargon that distances them from non-technical experts.
  • Manage Question & Answer sessions.
  • Properly use visual aides to support their presentation.


For more information on above course, please call us at 647-271-3330 or e-mail to