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Alternative Dispute Resolution for CPAs

Course Outline

Get the powerful, revolutionary tool for controlling litigation costs.

It's certainly not news that we live in a highly litigious society. What is news is that many lawyers, accountants, and other professionals are increasingly turning to a non-court method to settle virtually any type of disagreement. It's called alternative dispute resolution (ADR) and it's guaranteed to save your company both time and money, maybe even a crucial client. Alternative Dispute Resolution for CPAs is a powerful, revolutionary tool for controlling litigation costs. This self-paced course introduces you to various alternative dispute resolution methods and shows you how they can be used effectively in a CPA practice and by financial managers in business and industry. Let's face it, if your company has to go to court, it will spend many thousands of dollars in legal fees, squander hours of precious time (not to mention effort), and fall victim to the bitterness, anger, and resentment created by legal battles will this, even if the suit is eventually dismissed. But with Alternative Dispute Resolution for CPAs, you'll resolve disagreements before they become court cases, keep important business relationships on friendly terms, and put a cap on skyrocketing legal costs.

Learn how to:

  • Recognize the drawbacks and limitations of litigation and determine when ADR would be more effective than litigation
  • Understand the differences between mediation, arbitration, and other ADR techniques and decide which is best suited to your specific case
  • Use ADR techniques to salvage business relationships endangered by disagreement or dispute.
  • Settle employment disputes, resolve partnership disputes, and calm client disputes without alienating anyone
  • Set up an in house ADR program, and more.

Main advantages of alternative dispute resolution:

1. Quick resolution
2. Lower costs
3. Confidentiality
4. Fairness
5. Flexible remedies
6. Choice of decision-maker
7. Preservation of relationships.

Course Objective: Gain the information and skills you need to adopt alternative dispute resolution methods in your business.

Available Formats for Employees and Managers

At our training centre in downtown Toronto, 10.00AM to 5.00PM with one hour lunch break.

$2499 + GST per participant for a three day workshop,

We offer a 10% discount for each additional participant

For Soft Skill Workshops outside the GTA, please contact us at 647-271-3330 or e-mail your request to for pricing giving information like number of participants, convenient dates etc.








Management Training Workshops Toronto/Dispute Resolution Workshop Toronto